Человек. Культура. Образование

Научно-образовательный и методический журнал
ISSN 2223-1277

DoI: https://doi.org/10.34130/2233-1277-2024-3-176
УДК: 811.111
Страницы: 176-188
Силлабус в практике преподавания иностранного (английского) языка в вузе

Оксана Федоровна Задобривская
Рыбницкий филиал Приднестровского государственного университета им. Т. Г. Шевченко, Рыбница, Приднестровье
1 kesha25@list.ru, https://orcid.org/ORCID: 0000-0003-2016-1197
Татьяна Григорьевна Руснак
Красненьская русская средняя общеобразовательная школа им. Т. Г. Шевченко, с. Красненькое, Рыбницкий район, Приднестровье


The article deals with the syllabus which performs many functions both inside and outside the classroom. This document defines various elements of the program that are student-oriented. First of all, syllabus helps establish contact and connection between students and a teacher, because it offers a detailed description of the educational purposes the teacher identifies, that sets the tone for the course. The well-developed syllabus introduces students to the course logistics, provides all the materials necessary for the educational process and determines the responsibilities of students for successful work during the course or section. One of the advantages of implementing syllabus as a conceptual framework in the educational process is the focus on active learning that helps students assess their readiness to take the course / section. Thus, this document, in contrast to the discipline steering document, explains a course in a broader context, describes the applicable training resources, and improves the effectiveness of student acceptance of teaching materials that are developed for delivering the course / section, contains explanations for each type of tasks offered for performing inside the classroom and as homework. The division into inside and outside activity is on purpose not indicated. In this paper, the process of improving university students speaking skills on the topic “Difficult Children”, which is studied in compliance with the syllabus of the discipline “Oral and Written Speech Practice (English)”, is researched.

Ключевые слова: syllabus, students, teacher, course/section, discipline, foreign language, higher education

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